Message From the Chairperson
Dear Students, Research Assistants and Professors,
The Graduate Research Workshop (GRWPW- 2014) has been organized for the first time in our Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering on May 22-23, 2014. The purpose of this workshop has been twofold:
First of all, our graduate students will get the chance to talk about their thesis research in an academic platform to get feedback not only for the technical content of their presentations but also for their written and oral communication skills. Secondly, we all might get the chance to establish new and fruitful collaborations between different research groups by sharing our research interests with the rest of the department.
Research papers delivered in oral and poster presentation sessions of this event have revealed the breadth and depth of the graduate-level research studies conducted in our department. We have been all glad to witness many successful presentations of international conference quality. My special thanks go to all who have made this workshop possible. I hope that GRWPW-2014 has become a successful onset of a traditional research activity in our department to further stimulate and support our students in their research studies during the upcoming years.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Gönül Turhan-Sayan
Department Chair
Message From the GRWPW Committee
Dear METU EEE Members,
I have been given a chance to be directly involved in the organization of the first ever Graduate Research Writing and Presentation Workshop (GRWPW).
We received a total of 63 abstract submissions, which were evaluated by 19 professors who kindly agreed to help us. Following the reviews, 44 of these submissions were upgraded to full papers that are now included in this proceedings. The workshop included 26 oral presentations (distributed into 5 different tracks) and 18 poster presentations. Based on the evaluators’ feedbacks, 4 oral and 3 poster presentations have been awarded. Even though we have been restricted to give awards only to a few top presentations, evaluators’ feedbacks clearly indicate that most of the presentations were indeed of very high quality and beyond standards of an international conference.
I would like to thank all presenters and evaluators for contributing to this high-quality workshop. I hope this has been a kick-off for a traditional workshop series in our department with improving quality and higher impacts.
Kind Regards,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Ergül