Oral Presentations
To ensure a coherent quality, we kindly ask you to follow these instructions:
- The overall time slot for each presentation is 15 minutes. Plan your speech for at most 12 minutes to allow time for questions and discussion. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the session schedule.
- A video projector and a PC will be available in the room. Speakers are not allowed to use their computers to avoid time delays between presentations.
- Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick in MS PowerPoint or Adobe PDF formats, and upload it 15 minutes before the session starts.
- The authors who will give an oral presentation can (if they choose to do so), prepare a poster in addition to their oral presentation. If you decide to present a poster, please let the organizers know at least one week in advance so that we can accommodate you.
Reminder: The audience will be from diverse backgrounds, therefore problem statement and motivation should be presented clearly at the beginning of the talk to address the general audience.
Poster Presentations:
The size of your poster should be of size A1. Please prepare your poster according to the given template.
When preparing a Poster, presenters should have in mind the objective of capturing the interest of all attendees in their work.
Please, use an appropriate font size allowing posters to be readable from 2 m away.
Poster boards will be numbered. Please use the poster board with the number assigned to your paper.
Posters should be set up on the morning of March 14, 2025.
You stand next to your poster between XX:XX-XX:XX and make yourself available to answer questions from attendees regarding your poster.